Colic and regurgitation, common infant ailments
Colic and regurgitation are common ailments in infants, that can cause discomfort and crying. For infant formula companies, it is important to understand these symptoms and offer solutions to help infants feel better. Infants have specific nutritional needs in order to support their growth and development and awaken their taste. Parents are increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of the products they give to their children and are looking for solutions to common infant ailments.
The infant nutrition market (infant formulas and diversification foods) is growing steadily, reaching $53.5 billion in 2019 and forecast to reach $79.6 billion by 20241. Infant nutrition products offered by companies must be high quality, safe and effective to meet the needs of infants and their parents.
Colic, an often-misunderstood ailment
Around 20 to 25% of infants are reported to be affected by colic in industrialised countries2. Symptoms include crying, a hard stomach and characteristic signs such as stiff legs, tense abdominal muscles, clenched fists, red skin and discomfort during bottle feeding. Colic can develop from the third week after birth and usually disappears gradually by itself before the fourth month.
Although the causes of colic are not yet fully understood, several hypotheses have been put forward, including one according to which it may be a normal stage of development related to gastrointestinal immaturity or even a food allergy.
Adapted solutions are available
Drawing on its expertise in complex formulations, Laïta Nutrition offers special formulations to help reduce colic in infants.
The first solution is AC milk, which we have the capacity to produce in different variations. It can contain FOS and GOS for their prebiotic properties, as well as Omega 3, which are not always present in growing-up milks. We also offer a low-lactose formula, which helps limit fermentation and gas production in the intestine, another common symptom of colic.
Laita Nutrition also proposes to develop an infant formula called IT (Intestinal Transit), an FSMP (Food for Special Medical Purposes) designed especially for infants suffering from colic and constipation. This formula can be adapted with hydrolysates.
Regurgitation is a very common but often temporary problem
Frequent regurgitation
Regurgitation is passive acid reflux that is common in infants and differs from vomiting, which is an active effort to expel stomach contents. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a type of regurgitation that requires medical advice. Approximately one quarter of infants are affected by GORD3, but this prevalence varies considerably with age, as does regurgitation, which affects nearly 50% of infants under three months of age and over 66% of four-month-olds4. It often disappears when the child starts to walk, around the age of one year.
Common symptoms include frequent regurgitation after meals, acid reflux, stomach upset and crying. Regurgitation may be caused by an immature digestive system and/or overfeeding. To treat regurgitation in infants, parents and carers should adjust the quantities of food, break up meals or add solid food, if the child is old enough to eat it. However, changing food is usually the first option to consider for treating regurgitation in infants.
Laita Nutrition draws on its expertise to help treat regurgitation
Laita Nutrition’s multiple areas of expertise allow us to develop solutions to help reduce regurgitation in infants. One such product is AR milk powder (an FSMP) which contains carob to thicken the formula and can be combined with starch to delay the onset of hunger between feeds. The product is intended for infants with symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux or regurgitation. Laïta Nutrition also offers customised products with the option of adding probiotics, FOS and GOS.
The specificities of our formulation have earned it the approval and recommendation of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, thanks in particular to:
- The casein-to-serum protein ratio (40/60). This ratio is close to that of breast milk and promotes flocculation in the stomach.
- Whey protein, which can also be partially hydrolysed to aid digestion.
- The carbohydrate content and in particular maltodextrins for gastric emptying.
Laita Nutrition also offers starch-thickened formulas (Comfort), which are available in supermarkets. These contain DHA, EPA and ARA, vitamins A, C and D, iron and FOS/GOS to help reduce minor reflux and ensure optimal digestive comfort. The formulas can also have a reduced lactose content and contain partially hydrolysed whey protein.
Laita Nutrition offers a wide range of products designed to help reduce regurgitation and colic and improve the digestive comfort of infants. The many customisation options allow different forms, textures and compositions to be made to meet individual needs.
Laita Nutrition supports you in the development of products for common infant ailments
To help you in your infant nutrition projects, Laïta Nutrition has developed a technical expertise around the formulation and processes of milks dedicated to the common ailments of infants.
We have expertise in complex nutritional formulations thanks to a customised development methodology and a strong R&D team. We can also advise, manage the development of products for special medical purposes for infant nutrition, and target specific issues such as common infant ailments. Thanks to our expertise, we can offer products in powder or liquid forms.
Thanks to our diversity of technologies, pilot and industrial, and our technical expertise, we are able to produce models and product prototypes. Our production tools guarantee optimal quality in compliance with international food safety standards. This mastery of very specific processes allows us to ensure the traceability and food safety of products: Laïta Nutrition factories are FSSC 22000 and ISO 9001 certified!
Laita Nutrition has integrated its expertise to meet the highly technical requirements of the markets for infant nutrition the development of FSMPs. Our adaptability and expertise make us an ideal partner for your projects.
1. Global Data, 2020
2. Coliques du Nourrisson, recommandations or information sheet, GFHGNP, 2018
3. French National Society of Gastroenterology, Delaage PH., et al. [site]:,7%25%20%C3%A0%20l’adolescence.
4. Pr Gottrand F., Les tracas digestifs de la 1ère année du nourrisson, Formathon [,l’%C3%A2ge%20de%201%20an]